Today I cried. As I’m preparing to create new projects in my life, facing new challenges and getting ready to overcome lots of fears, I feel both excited and scared as I try to integrate.
Will I make it? Will it be good enough? Should I not try?
As these questions fill my mind, the inner warrior that was lit with the fire of motivation and inspiration says: You`ve got this, it will for sure be hard but don't be scared.
I'm in my local coffeeshop sipping on a cup of masala chai planning all the logistics and giving form to a big dream I've had since I started practicing yoga 8 years ago.
I want to share everything I've seen, learned and everything I am today.
I found my calling a long time ago and today I'm ready.
As I go through the pages of my old travel and yoga training journals, reading the words of the person I was in those moments, I come across an ancient vedic mantra I learned in India just this past December. And as I read it, the voice of Swami Atma comes clear into my head as if he was standing next to me in his orange robe. I start feeling what I was feeling when I was there. I can sense everyone around me, friends and beautiful souls all connected through these words. I can even smell the room and feel the air knowing I´m by the flow of the Holy Ganga. Reading the words and they’re meaning I start crying. These are tears of happiness. Tears of melancholy and sadness all at the same time. Seems like it was so long ago I was in that room in Rishikesh, meditating at sunrise looking deep into my soul.
The mantra:
asato ma sadgamaya tamaso ma jyotirgamaya mrtyorma amrtam gamaya om shanti shanti shanti.
The meaning of the mantra is
Lead meform non-truth to truth
from darkness to light
from death to eternity
Om peace peace peace
Today this mantra feels my heart with hope, strength and courage. I feel ready, elated and empowered to take with love, kindness and compassion everything that comes my way.I trust and love all that I am, I will stay true to myself and keep following the light.
Today I embrace all that´s new, taking with me these words of transformation. What are you prepared to take today?This mantra will make you feel empowered and ready. But remember, these words are not for the material world, it´s not a mantra to manifest food, shelter, health, partnership, riches, success, fame, glory or even for heaven. It´s about transcendence.
Is your heart ready to take the leap? Are you ready to truly know yourself and go within?You are beautiful as you are, in your darkness and your light. Are you ready to allow yourself to be you? Are you ready to see into the depths of where consciousness and universal love connect?Choose your path, choose your journey and be there. Don’t be afraid to see what you find, you´ve got this.Let go of what´s holding you back and take the leap.
Hari OM
your arrowyogi,